Thursday 21 August 2014

Willson goes to Paris

So Paris is by far the most beautiful city I've been to. Our first stop was the Sacrecoeur (translates to the sacred heart), a huge church that over looks the the west side of the city. But the view of the back of the city is just as cool too. There's all these market areas and independent patisseries and patriotic shops. We walked along all these back roads and paths through some typically Parisian town houses that had really quirky street art all over the walls.
So then we took the metro (the French version of the London underground) to the Tour Montparnasse (a very tall building) which has a perfect veiw of the Eiffel Tower! For lunch we went to this subway style sandwich bar but with really decent sandwiches. It was so great. The next thing we did was a typical touristy boat tour on the River Seine. We went right past the Eiffel Tower, The Notre Dame, and the famous Pont de l'archevêché (the bridge with all the love locks. Fun fact: theres actually around 4 or 5 bridges covered in locks. The Pont de l'archevêché was just the first to start the trend). 
Over all, France is spectacular. They have Orangina in glass bottles, so they've definitely got me hooked. The Gite we stayed in had two cats called Gracy and Trixy. Gracy was a very calm and sweet cat, however, Trixy was this ball of fur that would normally find its way into our car every time we opened it. 
Of course, a trip to France would not be complete without a visit to Yves Rocher. I've written about this brand many times before and will continue to do so as they never let me down. One of their newest nail polishes caught my eye, this blood orange colour goes great with darker and/or pastel colours, but looks just as striking. I got the face mask that goes with the moisturiser I have, and doesn't fail to give me that matte skin it promises.
   Well that's pretty much all I can put into words about my trip to 
France, just let the pictures do most of the talking... x

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Willson goes to Kent

I'm in Ramsgate this week, a harbour town on the coast of Kent. I know Kent sound very 'Kent', but it's so lovely here. We have an apartment which is parallel to the harbour and on clear mornings we can see France (:O) where we'll be going to on Saturday (might do a little update next week who knows?). Anyway once again I've spent too much on crap I don't need.
At least they're all pretty ey?
What i love about this skirt is that the horizontal paneling elongates the body, giving it a up-and-down effect. Being only 5"2, this helps my munchkin figure a lot. 
These floral shorts are very on trend with the whole tropical vibe going on. I've been meaning to do a tropical themed look-book but I keep forget/not finding the time. I'll probably try and do it in France as the scenery would be much better than in rainy England.
And finally I have found a basic non fancy shmancy leather jacket (its not real leather I'm poor LOL)!. All I've ever wanted was a plain biker jacket with out tassels or buckles and hundreds of zips Jesus Christ it's harder to find than it sounds. Turns out I can still fit in the biggest size (and a couple below) in the children's section in New Look (again with the munchkin thing -.-) but, their clothing does happen to be a lot cheaper than the adults. So at £13? I couldn't resist.

stuff shopThere's a really cool stuff shop under the sea defense thing that's extremely hard to explain, so just go with it. It's like a little garage that's crammed with stuff from the 40's to the 90's. I was too scared to touch anything in case  everything came crashing down. We counted two grand pianos, 12 guitars, a rocket lamp (which I need I'm my life) and countless scratched records from the eighties. I would definitely recommend it (unless you have claustrophobia. Then I would run.)
Another cool thing was this Belgian cafe that has European film posters all over the ceiling (also had a piano and many guitars).
We found a place called 'Willsons Road' which is incredible because someone has actually spelled it correctly (inside family joke. My last name is spelt with two L's instead of one).
                         Oh yeah I got a penny board, it's pretty cool.